Upload Step by Step

Uploading is the most important thing apart of JukeHost that you need to know what to do. In this article, you will find a step by step guide on how to upload a file. If you have any issues uploading or following this guide, please ask for support.


1. Visit the Upload page by hovering over Library and then clicking on "Upload" or click "Upload" on the homepage once logged in.

2. Once you are on the uploading page, click on or drag file to "Click here, or drag files into this box!"

3. Select the audio file that you wish to upload. Once complete, you can view all files on the Library page.

4. Once you are on the Library page, locate the file you just uploaded. The filename should still be the same as it was on your computer.

5. You can change the file name by clicking the edit button in the same row as the audio file.

If you have any more questions, visit our support page and create a ticket or start a live chat.

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Date added:
13-06-2020 14:06:30
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